About the Event
Speakers: Cameron Moore, VP Product, Design & Content: Dialogue.co, Blanca Champetier, Director of Product Management at Top Hat.
Cameron Moore has been a traveling nomad of software Product Management, leading teams in Paris, Edmonton, Silicon Valley, London and finally settling down here in Toronto. He has seen the software industry navigate through several major tech transitions from installed desktop software to online SaaS, to Mobile apps. Some notable examples of his roles include: Head of Product at Intuit (including the extreme seasonality of TurboTax), CPO at Kijiji, and more recently helping millions of people achieve better health and wellbeing as VP of Product at Dialogue.co, a leading Canadian telehealth company.
Blanca Champetier is a product leader based in Toronto, Canada, with over 10 years of experience working in product management. Throughout her career, she has led product teams from start-ups to scale-ups, working with a variety of clients across different industries including technology services, human resources, and education. As of recently, she has been leading the product management team at Top Hat, with the mission of disrupting the higher education space.